Success Stories - EDUCATION

Video: Dr. Dave Mundy succinctly describes the outcomes for adopting the Baldrige Criteria.
Dr. Dave Mundy interview. YouTube Channel.

Success Stories - Baldrige Process in Action

"The Westfield Washington School District is in its sixth year of guiding continuous improvement through the Baldrige Education Criteria resulting in an enhanced agility and increased fidelity of deployment. Passing rates on state exams improved - graduation rates increased. Performance against national norms and all core content areas consistently reached the 90th percentile and above.”

Dave Mundy, Ph.D.
Executive Director for Learning Systems,
Westfield Washington Schools
Westfield, IN
The Partnership for Excellence
Silver Award Recipient

Westfield-Washington Schools is located north of Indianapolis, in Washington Township, Indiana. This community has a K-12 population of 6,100, with six elementary (K-4) schools feeding into a single middle school and then high school. Students have the opportunity to take Advanced Placement® course work and exams.

Located in the fastest-growing county in Indiana, the district has been challenged to reconfigure schools annually to accommodate expansion.

Westfield High School has been successful in creating a culture of education, earning first place in their district and seventh place in the State of Indiana.

For more detail on Westfield-Washington's success with Baldrige - view their PowerPoint / PDF presentation.

"The Baldrige Education Criteria has provided a systemic and systematic framework for the alignment, continuous improvement and results focus of the West Carrollton City Schools since the 1999-2000 school year. I have seen and experienced many improvement models and none are as inclusive, non-prescriptive, value-added and process/results oriented as the Baldrige Criteria.”

Rusty Clifford, Ph.D.
West Carrollton Schools
West Carrollton, OH
The Partnership for Excellence
Gold Award Recipient

West Carrollton School District is a suburban school district located south of the City of Dayton in the southern portion of Montgomery County, Ohio. West Carrollton School District serves more than 3,700 K-12 students in a ten square mile district serving portions of three municipalities, the City of West Carrollton, City of Moraine and Miami Township.

One of their core values is "continuous improvement is an institutionalized habit." Their teachers and district staff work diligently to meet the individual needs of each student through differentiated instruction as well as English as a Second Language. The foundation for all of their academic efforts is the Search Institute's framework for the 40 Developmental Assets.

The Baldrige Criteria - Achieves Results

Whether your school is small or large, has one building or multiple branches in the state, the Baldrige Education Criteria provides a valuable framework that can help you achieve results.