Success Stories - Government
Video: The City of Irving, Texas shows positive outcomes using the Baldrige Criteria.
City of Irving, Texas - Baldrige Recipient. YouTube Channel.
Success Stories - Baldrige Process in Action
"I believe that the biggest achievement for Irving TX has the been the focus on our employees. We have reduced our workforce by 10%. We didn't lay anyone off... didn't furlough anyone, and at the same time increasing the level of performance... If you listen to our employees, you will get the best from them, because they are the best employees on the planet.”
Tommy Gonzalez
City Manager,
Irving, TX
National Baldrige Award Recipient Government
Irving is situated between Dallas and Fort Worth and adjacent to the DFW International Airport. Irving is a natural first stop for many travelers, providing easy access to accommodations, dining, entertainment and the Dallas Cowboy's Texas Stadium. The city welcomes nearly three million visitors each year, generating approximately $1.53 billion in visitor spending. Irving's largest private employer is the hospitality industry providing more than $48 million annually in tax revenue.
Irving’s Las Colinas development is a 12,000-acre master-planned business and residential community and has attracted over 30 high profile Fortune 500 companies to locate there. Companies include ExxonMobil, Citicorp, Nokia, Verizon and Kimberly-Clark and others.
The current population of Irving, Texas, is just over 220,000, with a steady projected growth trend due to continual development within the area. It is one of Texas' fastest growing cities and boasts one of the state's healthiest economies.

"TPE provides any organization with a proven method of focusing on positive organizational change.
I have been fortunate to be involved in organizations at both the state and federal level that were interested in improving and found that the Baldrige process was an effective way to do so.
Much more than an award program, the framework and criteria of TPE allow an organization to follow a program of improvement.”
James R. Morris, P.E.
Director, USGS
Columbus, OH
The Partnership for Excellence
Bronze Award Recipient
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) works in cooperation with local, State, and other Federal agencies, as well as universities, to furnish decision makers, policy makers, USGS scientists, and the general public with reliable scientific information and tools to assist them in management, stewardship and use of Ohio’s natural resources.
The diversity of scientific expertise among USGS personnel enables them to carry out large- and small-scale multidisciplinary studies. The USGS is unique among government organizations because it has neither regulatory nor developmental authority.
USGS' sole product is impartial, credible, relevant and timely scientific information, equally accessible and available to everyone.
The USGS Ohio Water Science Center provides reliable hydrologic and water-related ecological information to aid in the understanding of the use and management of the Nation’s water resources, in general and specifically Ohio’s water resources, in particular.
The Baldrige Criteria - Achieves Results
Whether your governmental branch is small or large, singular or with multiple branches across the state, the Baldrige Government Criteria provides a valuable framework that can help you achieve results.